
Rebels Hockey

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Nov 12th  Game of the Week Double Header  / Rebels Midget 18 and Midget 16 10 November 2022

Nov 12th Game of the Week Double Header / Rebels Midget 18 and Midget 16

Rebels Midget 18 vs NY Saints @ 2:40pm & Midget 16 vs NY Saints @ 5:40PM

The Game of the Week for Nov 12th  featured a double header.  The Rebels Midget 18 hosted the New York Saints at 2:40PM and the Rebels Midget 16  hosted the New York Saints at 5:40PM.     



Game of the Week, Sunday Nov. 6th  5:25PM 2 November 2022

Game of the Week, Sunday Nov. 6th 5:25PM

Rebels Squirt Minor vs Freeport Arroows

Game of the Week for Sunday Nov 6th,  2022 at 5:25pm from the Dix Hills Clark Gilles Ice Arena  features the Long Island Rebels Squirt MInor team vs. Freeport Arrows  in Long Island Hockey League action.    The game wil be  broadcast in multicamera HD on the Rebels website and can be watched here.  You can watch the game FREE on this link.

Game of the Week Sat. Oct 1st  2:40PM 28 September 2022

Game of the Week Sat. Oct 1st 2:40PM

Rebels Bantam Minor vs PAL

Game of the Week for Saturday, October 1 2022 at 2:40pm from the Dix Hills Clark Gilles Ice Arena  featured the Long Island Rebels Peewee MInor team vs. Suffolk PAL in Long Island Hockey League action.    The game was  broadcast in multicamera HD on the Rebels website and can be watched here.  You can watch the game FREE on this link.

Game of the Week /  Sunday Sept 25  2:40PM 21 September 2022

Game of the Week / Sunday Sept 25 2:40PM

Rebels Bantam Major Team vs. PAL

The Long Island Rebels first game of the week for the 2022-2023 season was the  Rebels Bantam Major Team vs Suffolk PAL in Long Island Hockey League action.    The game can be watched   HERE FOR FREE in multi camera HD streaming.

Dix Hills Ice Rink Renamed for Clark Gillies 15 May 2022

Dix Hills Ice Rink Renamed for Clark Gillies

The Dix Hills Ice Rink was officially renamed  Clark Gillies Arena Saturday in honor of the late legendary Islanders’ hockey star.

The retired player and philanthropist, who lived in Greenlawn, died in January. He had served as captain of the Islanders from 1977 to 1979, and won the Stanley Cup four years in a row with them, from 1980 to 1983.

“I can say with 100% certainty that Clark would have been so proud of this honor that you have bestowed on him,” Pam Gillies, Clark’s wife, said in a speech. “I cannot tell you how happy Clark would have been to know that future generations of figure skaters and hockey players will be learning the game that he loved in a rink bearing his name.”

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